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Features and benefits
- Solution to PVC vent pipes above the roof line for BAL areas across Australia
- Metal pipe has a strong resistance to heat which makes it perfect for BAL areas
- The metal pipe has an integrated mesh steel cowl that prevents embers from entering
- BAL rated Pipe Flashing up to BAL12.5
Product Code: VK50BAL12
Kit includes:
- Steel vent and cowl
- BAL rated EPDM Pipe Flashing for metal roof
- Steel to PVC insulated adaptor
In Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) areas, the Australian Standard limits the use of PVC exposed above the roofline. The minimal test to BAL12.5 has shown that temperatures can reach 160°C, this far exceeds the melting point of PVC of 85°C. With the risk of PVC melting, it has the potential of exposing a gap greater than 3mm making it non-compliant to the Australian Standard AS 3959:2018.
Our BAL rated ‘Drainage Vent & Flashing Kit’ comes with a ‘50mm Steel Corrosion Resistant Pipe’ with an integrated ‘Steel Mesh Cowl’ that complies to the requirements of the Australian Standard AS 3959:2018.
Under the roofline, the ‘Insulated PVC Adaptor’ has been created to withstand any heat transfer when adapted to the 50mm PVC pipe below.
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